Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Web Research Pt. 2: Reading

Here are my questions from the reading:

1. When Beaird talks about emerging trends in websites and those that are 'putting content first', what does he mean?

2. What are some factors to consider about your user when designing your site?

3. Why would the term variable fixed width be considered somewhat ironic?


1. Putting the content on the far left in the three column set up.

2. They will not always use the site the way you expect them to, they will more than likely merely scan your page looking for what they want, and they are not always as technologically savvy as they would like to think they are.

3.Because the number of colums vary depending on the width of the page. Therefore it is ironic because it acts almost as if it's a fluid design, but then once it hits a certain width the layout of the page varies.

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